
Key Default value Data type Remarks
name undefined String If you specify a name for the job, Croner will keep a reference to the job in the exported array scheduledJobs. The reference will be removed on .stop().
maxRuns Infinite Number
catch false Boolean|Function Catch unhandled errors in triggered function. Passing true will silently ignore errors. Passing a callback function will trigger this callback on error.
timezone undefined String Timezone in Europe/Stockholm format
startAt undefined String ISO 8601 formatted datetime (2021-10-17T23:43:00)
in local time (according to timezone parameter if passed)
stopAt undefined String ISO 8601 formatted datetime (2021-10-17T23:43:00)
in local time (according to timezone parameter if passed)
interval 0 Number Minimum number of seconds between triggers.
paused false Boolean If the job should be paused from start.
context undefined Any Passed as the second parameter to triggered function
legacyMode true boolean Combine day-of-month and day-of-week using true = OR, false = AND
unref false boolean Setting this to true unrefs the internal timer, which allows the process to exit even if a cron job is running.
utcOffset undefined number Schedule using a specific utc offset in minutes. This does not take care of daylight savings time, you probably want to use option timezone instead.
protect undefined boolean|Function Enabled over-run protection. Will block new triggers as long as an old trigger is in progress. Pass either true or a callback function to enable

Warning Unreferencing timers (option unref) is only supported by Node.js and Deno. Browsers have not yet implemented this feature, and it does not make sense to use it in a browser environment.